Essential knee terminology
B-PT-B search for term

B-PT-B is an abbreviation for 'bone patellar-tendon bone', referring to a technique of patellar tendon harvest for cruciate ligament reconstruction.

Page updated December 2023 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Baker's cyst search for term

A Baker's cyst is a tense fluid-filled swelling at the back of the knee which is secondary to increased pressure of joint fluid inside the knee.

Page updated June 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

BASEM search for term

Abbreviation for 'British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine'.

BASK search for term

BASK is an abbreviation for 'British Association for Surgery of the Knee'.

Bi-partite search for term

'Bi-partite' means 'in two parts', and in the knee world usually refers to a kneecap (patella) which is in two parts - a bi-partite patella.

Page updated July 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Biceps femoris search for term

The biceps femoris is the big muscle at the back of the thigh, contraction of which can flex and laterally rotate the knee.

Page updated January 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Biceps femoris tendinitis search for term

Biceps femoris tendinitis is an overuse disorder of the biceps femoris tendon, leading to pain and tenderness in the hamstrings at the back of the knee.

Bicompartmental search for term

Bicompartmental means involving two of the three compartments of the knee.

Bilateral osteotomy search for term

Bilateral osteotomy is when an osteotomy is performed on both limbs.

Page updated December 2023 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Bio-degradable search for term

A bio-degradable material is one that is naturally broken down over a period of time and absorbed by the body.

Biodegradable search for term

Biodegradable means able to be broken down by the body.

Biodex search for term

Biodex is a trade name for a particular 'isokinetic' machine used both to measure knee function and for knee rehabilitation.

Bioengineer search for term

A bioengineer is a professional engineer whose work relates to living tissues.

Bioengineered scaffolds search for term

Bioengineered scaffolds are engineered structures designed to encourage the ingrowth of living cells and be implanted into the body.

Bioengineering search for term

Bioengineering is the profession involving applying engineering principles to living tissues.

Biologic search for term

A 'biologic' is an intervention that relies on the the body's power to repair tissues, rather than relying on metal or plastic.

Biologic Knee Replacement search for term

Biologic Knee Replacement is a process of restoring function to a damaged knee by encouraging tissues to heal, or repairing or reconstructing with natural materials, as opposed to artificial materials like metal and plastic.

Biologic replacement search for term

Biologic replacement implies the replacing of a piece of damaged body tissue with a living alternative, rather than something synthetic.

Biologic resurfacing search for term

Biologic resurfacing is restoring a damaged joint surface using a biological technique rather than metal or plastic.

Biological scaffold search for term

Biological scaffolds are derived via tissue engineering from matrix materials that normally support the cells of various tissues of the body.

Biological scaffolds search for term

A biological scaffold is a matrix derived from naturally ocurring tissues upon which cells can grow to replace damaged ones.

Biologics search for term

Biologics is a 'catch-all' term for regenerative interventions that rely on the body's ability to repair and restore tissues, rather than using manufactured products like metal or plastic.

Biomechanical search for term

Biomechanical means related to the mechanical movement of the body parts.

Biopsy search for term

A biopsy is the surgical procedure where a piece of tissue from the body is cut off and then examined in the laboratory.

Blastocyst search for term

A blastocyst is an early-stage embryo that resembles a fluid-filled ball, with cells forming the outer wall and an inner cell mass like a bunch of grapes attached to it on the inside.

Blumensaat's line search for term

Blumensaat's line is a linear shadow on lateral X-rays of the knee that corresponds to the roof of the intercondylar notch between the two rounded condyles of the femur.

Page updated May 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

BMAC search for term

BMAC is an abbreviation for bone marrow aspirate concentrate.

BMI search for term

BMI is an abbreviation for 'body mass index'.

Board certification search for term

Board certification is a USA process whereby a doctor, or other approved professional, provides evidence of the full mastery of their chosen speciality.

Body mass index search for term

Body mass index (BMI) is a ratio of a person's weight to height that has been recognised  by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and The World Health Organisation as a measure of obesity.

Bone cement search for term

Bone cement is a polymethyl methacrylate mix that is used to fix objects like knee replacements to bone.

Bone contusion search for term

A bone contusion is a bone bruise.

Bone destruction and remodelling search for term

Bone is a dynamic structure and may remodel itself - or try to - depending upon triggers such as fracture or infection.

Bone graft search for term

A bone graft is a transplant of a piece of bone, which can be either from the patient or a donor.

Bone marrow search for term

Bone marrow is the soft tissue inside bone, containing cells that form new blood cells and other tissues.

Bone marrow aspirate concentrate search for term

Bone marrow aspirate concentrate is an aspirate of bone marrow which has been centrifuged to isolate its cellular components in distinct layers.

Bone marrow derived stem cells search for term

Bone marrow derived stem cells are cells harvested from bone marrow - and have the potential to develop into multiple tissue types.

Page updated June 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Bone marrow oedema search for term

Bone marrow oedema is an area of density change on MRI in a region of bone marrow.

Bone patellar-tendon bone search for term

A bone patellar-tendon bone graft is the gold standard for replacement of a torn cruciate ligament in the knee, where a part of the patellar tendon is used as the graft material.

Page updated November 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Bone scan search for term

Bone scans detect abnormalities of the insides of bones, such as osteoporosis, stress fractures (breaks) or tumours (growths).

Bone spur search for term

Bone spurs (or osteophytes) are small, irregular bony outgrowths from the edges of a joint surface.

Page updated February 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Bone wedge search for term

A bone wedge is a wedge-shaped piece of bone, generally either removed or inserted during an osteotomy.

Page updated January 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Bone-on-bone search for term

Bone-on-bone is a term used when joint and meniscus cartilage of the tibiofemoral joint are worn down so much that - instead of nice shiny opposing joint surfaces - exposed bone is grating on exposed bone.

Page updated January 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Bow legs search for term

In bow legs the knees do not touch when standing or walking, although the feet may seem more or less normally aligned.

Page updated January 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Bowstringing search for term

Bowstringing in the knee is caused by a membrane catching over a moving area, eg a plica catching on the rounded end of the femur.

Brace search for term

A brace for the knee is a constraint of knee movement, usually made of fabric and plastic and/or metal.

British Association for Surgery of the Knee search for term

The British Association for Surgery of the Knee is a professional association for British orthopaedic surgeons with a special interest in the knee. Most British knee surgeons will belong to this organisation.

British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine search for term

The British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine was founded in 1953, and is the oldest Sport and Exercise Medicine Association in the United Kingdom.

BTB search for term

BTB is an abbreviation of bone-tendon-bone, and usually refers to a tendon graft from the patellar tendon, where each end of the removed graft is still attached to a piece of bone.

Page updated April 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Bucket-handle tear search for term

A bucket-handle tear is a special kind of displaced circumferential tear of the knee meniscus, where the free bit flips over like the handle of a bucket.

Page updated May 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Bursa search for term

A bursa is a lubricated sac or pocket that exists within mobile tissues to facilitate a limb's movement.

Page updated September 2023 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Bursitis search for term

Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa, a lubricated pouch or sac in regions where there is a lot of movement between muscles and bone.
