Essential knee terminology
Kellgren-Lawrence Classification search for term

The Kellgren-Lawrence Classification is an X-ray classification scheme for osteoarthritis of the knee.

Keyhole surgery search for term

Keyhole surgery is surgery performed with thin instruments through two or more tiny cuts, or portals.

Kin Com isokinetic machine search for term

The Kin Com isokinetic machine is a sophisticated apparatus for both exercising the knee and for determining various parameters of muscle strenth.

Kinematics search for term

Kinematics is the science of determining how things move.

Knee alignment search for term

The alignment relationship of femur to tibia when weight-bearing.

Knee anatomy search for term

Knee anatomy includes all the various components of the knee, both inside and outside of the joint's waterproof capsule.

Page updated June 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Knee arthroplasty search for term

Knee arthroplasty replaces some or all of the joint with metal and plastic.

Knee bones search for term

Only three bones make up the actual articulation of the knee - the femur, the tibia and the patella.

Knee brace search for term

A knee brace is an external device worn around the knee to prevent further injury or to help reduce symptoms.

Knee cartilage search for term

The term 'knee cartilage' could refer to either the meniscus cartilage(s) or the articular cartilage.

Knee Disorders search for term

These are some of the common knee disorders. If you are researching a condition that is not listed here, just use the search bar at the top of this page.

Page updated July 2023 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Knee extension device search for term

A knee extension device is a rehabilitation device to improve knee extension.

Knee injury search for term

When you have had a definite knee injury, the type of damage will depend on the nature of the injury.

Page updated March 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Knee mouse search for term

A knee mouse is a loose piece of cartilage floating free in the knee joint - more correctly called a 'loose body'.

Knee muscles search for term

There are two main muscle groups above the knee - quadriceps at the front and hamstrings at the back. Three main muscles make up the calf - gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris.

Knee noises search for term

Knee noises may be normal in the knee or may signify problems, depending upon the nature and trigger for the noise.

Knee pain search for term

Knee pain is pain experienced in the knee, although it may not necessarily arise from the knee bones.

Knee rehabilitation search for term

Knee rehabilitation is the programme of exercises and stretches undertaken in order to return the knee to as full a function as possible.

Page updated June 2023 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Knee replacement search for term

A knee replacement is the operation of replacing some or all of the knee joint with implants of metal and plastic.

Knee replacement - operating room considerations search for term

A number of operating room issues are of importance when making choices about knee replacement.

Knee replacement materials search for term

Different designs of knee prosthesis use different materials, usually metal, plastic and ceramic.

Knee surgeon search for term

There is no particular qualification in knee surgery itself. Most surgeons specialising in knee surgery are qualified in general orthopaedic surgery, and have gravititated towards specialising in knees.

Knee surgery search for term

Knee surgery includes operating on the structures within the knee capsule, on the soft tissue structures outside the knee capsule or on the bones above or below the joint.

Page updated July 2023 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Knock knees search for term

Knock knees, where the knees tend to touch while the feet are apart, are also known as valgus knees.

KOOS search for term

KOOS is an abbreviation of 'Knee and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score', which is a 'quality of life' scoring system for knee problems.

KT2000 search for term

The KT2000 is an instrument used for objectively measuring anterior translation of the tibia in patients with anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency or after ACL reconstruction.

Page updated May 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Kujala Score search for term

The Kujala Score is a scoring system surgeons use for patellofemoral problems.
