Essential knee terminology
Early Knee Exercises - visual chart search for term

Early knee exercises keep the muscles firing and retain some range of motion even when the knee is still painful and swollen.

Page updated March 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

eASC search for term

eASC stands for 'expanded adipose stem cells', ie. stem cells expanded in the laboratory from fat tissue taken from the patient.

Eccentric muscle contraction search for term

An eccentric muscle contraction is one is which a muscle produces force whilst it is actively lengthening.

Ecchymosis search for term

Ecchymosis is the medical term for a bruise.

Edema search for term

Edema is the American spelling of 'oedema'.

Edematous search for term

Edematous is the American spelling of 'oedematous'.

Effusion search for term

A knee effusion is excessive joint fluid inside the knee joint, also known as 'water on the knee'.

Page updated June 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

EFORT search for term

EFORT stands for the European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology.

Ege's test search for term

Ege's test is a standing test for a meniscus tear. It is also referred to as a 'standing McMurray test'.

Page updated May 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome search for term

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a hypermobility disorder of the joints.

EKA search for term

EKA is an abbreviation for 'European Knee Associates'.

Elmslie Trillat Procedure search for term

The Elmslie Trillat Procedure is a surgical procedure to improve the alignment of the patella.

ELPS search for term

ELPS is an abbreviation for 'excessive lateral pressure syndrome.'

Embryogenesis search for term

Embryogenesis is the process of development of an embryo.

Embryonic stem cell search for term

An embryonic stem cell is a pluripotential cell derived from an early embryo cell mass, usually from fertilisation outside a woman's body in a clinic or laboratory.

Endobutton search for term

An endobutton is a fixation device to secure the upper end of a hamstrings graft during the procedure of cruciate ligament reconstruction.

Page updated June 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Endocrine search for term

Endocrine means via production of hormones that affect bodily functions.

Enthesophyte search for term

An enthesophyte is a sharp bony projection at the site of a tendon or ligament.

Epicondyle search for term

An epicondyle is a bony bump or 'knuckle' upon a rounded end (or condyle) of a bone.

Epidural anaesthesia search for term

Epidural anaesthesia is numbing the lower part of the body with local anaesthetic agent.

Epidural catheter search for term

An epidural catheter is a fine tube which is inserted into the epidural space around the spinal cord, for the administration of an anaesthetic agent.

Epidural space search for term

The epidural space is a tissue space around the spinal cord outside of the spinal cavity in which the cord runs.

Epiphysis search for term

The epiphysis is the rounded end of any long bone, adjacent to the growth plate, and which is the part involved in the actual joint.

ERMI search for term

ERMI is the abbreviation of End Range Motion Improvement, using a rehabilitation device to improve range of motion of the joint.

Erythema search for term

Erythema means redness of the skin.

ESC search for term

Embryonic stem cell - a stem cell derived from an embryo.

ESSKA search for term

Abbreviation for the 'European society of shoulder, knee and ankle surgery'.

Evidence-based search for term

A recommendation that is evidence based has been underpinned by peer-reviewed published studies.

Excessive lateral pressure syndrome search for term

Excessive lateral pressure syndrome (ELPS) is a painful problem where the edge of the kneecap is pressing too tightly against the outer wall of the underlying groove.

Page updated May 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Excision search for term

Excision is the procedure of cutting something out, like a tumour or a torn piece of meniscus.

Extension search for term

Extension means 'straightening'. Knee extension is to straighten the knee by actively contracting the extensor muscles or by positioning the body to allow passive extension.

Page updated June 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Extensor mechanism search for term

The extensor mechanism consists of a chain of anatomical structures including the quads muscle and kneecap that work together to straighten the knee.

External fixator search for term

An external fixator is a metal apparatus to hold together the broken ends of a bone via rods drilled through the skin into the bone.

Extraarticular search for term

Extraarticular means outside of the joint cavity and its capsule.

Extracellular matrix search for term

The extracellular matrix is a 3-dimensional network of large molecules outside of the cells (eg collagen) that provide them with structural and biochemical support.
