Excessive lateral pressure syndrome (ELPS) is a painful problem where the edge of the kneecap is pressing too tightly against the outer wall of the underlying groove.

Page updated May 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

excessive lateral pressure

Cartilage damage may occur on the lateral side from the increased pressure


What causes ELPS?

Abnormal patellar tilt is the underlying condition that leads to the pain. Note that the patella is simply tilted and not actually shifted to the side.

The tilt is associated with tight lateral soft tissue structures - the lateral retinaculum - but whether this is cause or effect is not established.

This may put strain on the medial side and tenderness in the region of the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL).

lateral patellar tilt

Tight lateral structures or muscle imbalance may lead to tilt of the patella to the lateral side.


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Cartilage damage from ELPS

Pain in the front of the knee tends to worsen as contact pressure increases when the knee is flexed.

Over time the adjacent lateral patella and lateral femoral condyle may show damage to the joint cartilage and underlying bone.

lateral patellar tilt

Tight lateral structures or muscle imbalance may lead to tilt of the patella to the lateral side.

excessive lateral pressure

Cartilage damage may occur on the lateral side from the increased pressure

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Lateral patellar compression syndrome
Lateral hyperpressure syndrome
Lateral pressure in flexion syndrome

Dr Sheila Strover (Editor)
BSc (Hons), MB BCh, MBA

See biography...

See also -

Anterior Knee Pain - an approach to investigation - ebook