Essential knee terminology
Valgus search for term

Valgus is a descriptive term implying that the lower leg is angled outwards compared to the upper leg, ie a patient may be described as having genu valgum (a knock knee) or a valgus deformity so that the knee appears angled towards the midline.

Page updated March 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Valgus osteotomy search for term

A valgus osteotomy is a surgical procedure where the bone is cut and re-angled, to correct a varus (bow-leg) deformity.

Varus search for term

Varus refers to a limb alignment where the knees bow outwards.

Varus malalignment search for term

Varus malalignment is abnormal bowing of the knee, to the outer side.

Page updated May 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Varus osteotomy search for term

A varus osteotomy is a surgical procedure where the bone is cut and re-angled, to correct a valgus (knock-knee) deformity.

Varus recurvatum search for term

Varus recurvatum is a bow-leg (varus) alignment of the tibia and femur, together with hyper-extension, so that the knee goes both backwards and bows outwards.

Varus thrust search for term

A varus thrust is when the knee joint thrusts to the outer aspect with each step, as weight is taken on that leg.

VAS search for term

VAS is an abbreviation for 'visual analogue scale' patients grade their symptoms along a line or a line of buttons, eg 1-10, where one end represents the worst and the other end the best scenario.

Vastus intermedius search for term

The vastus intermedius is one of the four heads of the quadriceps muscle group making up the muscle at the front of the thigh.

Vastus lateralis search for term

The vastus lateralis muscle is one of the four heads of the quadriceps muscle.

Vastus medialis search for term

The vastus medialis muscle is one of the four heads of the quadriceps muscle of the thigh.

Page updated February 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

Vastus medialis obliquus search for term

The vastus medialis obliquus is the lower part of the vastus medialis muscle, where the fibres are oblique, tending to act as guy ropes pulling the patella towards the medial side. It is commonly referred to as the VMO.

Venogram search for term

A venogram is an X-ray of the veins, which is made possible by injecting a radio-opaque dye into the veins. The procedure is called 'venography'.

Ventrum search for term

The ventrum is the undersurface of a structure.

Vertical tear search for term

A vertical tear usually of the knee meniscus refers to a tear which runs vertically from the upper surface to the lower surface.

Viscosupplementation search for term

Viscosupplementation is the injection into the knee of a lubricating mixture usually containing hyaluronic acid

Visual analogue scale search for term

A visual analogue scale is a system to rate a person's level of a particular symptom along a line drawn between two fixed points.

VMO search for term

VMO is an abbreviation of 'vastus medialis obliquus', which is a part of the quadriceps (quads) muscle.

Page updated June 2023 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)
