VMO is an abbreviation of 'vastus medialis obliquus', which is a part of the quadriceps (quads) muscle.

Page updated June 2023 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

VMO - vastus medialis obliquus

The quadriceps muscle group, showing the VMO.


Anatomy of the vastus medialis muscle

The quadriceps muscle is so-named because it has 'four heads'.

Although they come together and unite into a single quadriceps tendon at the patella, the vastus medialis seems to be more independent than the rest of the group.


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The importance of the VMO in knee rehabilitation

The VMO is the muscle that gives a lot of problem when it comes to rehabilitation of the knee after injury or surgery.

The reason for this is that the muscle fibres very readily become inhibited, and struggle to 'fire' when the patient tries to straighten the leg.


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vastus medialis obliquus

Dr Sheila Strover (Editor)
BSc (Hons), MB BCh, MBA

See biography...