An avulsion fracture is where a tendon or ligament is torn off a bone, taking a fragment of the bone away with it.

Page updated July 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

In this X-ray, there is a tiny avulsion fracture where the anterolateral ligament has pulled off from the tibia.


What is the importance of an avulsion fracture?"

The presence of an avulsion fracture on X-ray indicates that there has been traction damage to soft tissues, usually from a ligament being pulled away from the bone - but the tiny bony fragment may be easily missed on X-ray.

Common avulsions include tibial tubercle avulsion and tibial spine avulsion. Avulsion of the anterolateral ligament is important not to miss.


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How is an avulsion fracture treated?"

Most avulsion fractures will heal if the knee is immobilised and rested.

Where healing does not occur, the bone fragment may be reattached with a staple.

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Dr Sheila Strover (Editor)
BSc (Hons), MB BCh, MBA

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