Any ideas on what has happened to my knee??

Usually with instability of the knee
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MICROgeek (<20 posts)
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Any ideas on what has happened to my knee??

Post by Eilidharch »

I injured my knee over two years ago playing netball where it seemed to give way landing and I ended up on the floor - it swelled and was painful until the swelling went down until it gave way again and again huge swelling occurred and was painful to walk/bend until the swelling went down. It seems to be the inside of my knee that is injured as that is what swells. I have not played team sport since it happened due to the fear of it giving way and it generally just feels pretty weak. It has not given way completely in a while but does quite often lock and pop/ crack when it unlocks itself and this is painful. I was due a MRI but this has been post lined due to covid. Any ideas what the damage is?
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Re: Any ideas on what has happened to my knee??

Post by vickster »

Could be a meniscus tear or possibly ACL or both
There's a primer for ligaments in same section

Have you actually seen a knee specialist or physio for a hands on examination as there are specific manual tests for meniscus and ACL. MRI usually used to confirm if the exam is inconclusive

Good luck :)
Came off bike onto concrete 9/9/09 (lat meniscus, lat condyle defect)
LK scopes 8/2/10 & 16/12/10
RK scope 5/2/15 (menisectomy, Hoffa’s fat pad trim)
LK scope 10.1.19 medial meniscectomy, trochlea MFX
LK scope 19.4.21 MFX to both condyles & trochlea, patella cartilage shaved, viscoseal, depo-medrone
MICROgeek (<20 posts)
MICROgeek (<20 posts)
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Re: Any ideas on what has happened to my knee??

Post by Eilidharch »

I went to the doctor when I originally injured it and he thought my quad was too weak or something.. however he didn't really examine it but have never been that impressed with that doctor. I put off going back (not good I know) but finally mentioned it to a new doctor recently who immediately ordered a mri.
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