MCL Ruptured

Usually with instability of the knee
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MICROgeek (<20 posts)
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MCL Ruptured

Post by Dee78 »

Hi there, I ruptured my mcl and have been told 12 weeks to heal. It has been 7 weeks since injury but is it normal not being able to fully bend. When in a crouching down position, it feels so tight. Any recommendations please and would it go back to normal
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Re: MCL Ruptured

Post by vickster »

Are you working with a Physio? If not, it's probably good to see one if you are looki g to return to sport, a physical job, running around after small kids or similar

12 weeks is likely an average or even best case scenario. Everyone heals differently so don't get disheartened but do get professional help to maximise your chances of getting close to the best case under supervision (so you dont risk reinjury)
Came off bike onto concrete 9/9/09 (lat meniscus, lat condyle defect)
LK scopes 8/2/10 & 16/12/10
RK scope 5/2/15 (menisectomy, Hoffa’s fat pad trim)
LK scope 10.1.19 medial meniscectomy, trochlea MFX
LK scope 19.4.21 MFX to both condyles & trochlea, patella cartilage shaved, viscoseal, depo-medrone
MINIgeek (20-50 posts)
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Re: MCL Ruptured

Post by ryano »

Hi there.

Probably just over a year ago I sustained a grade 2 MCL tear confirmed on MRI.

For the first 4 weeks, I was unable to bend my knee let alone go in to a squat or crouch position. I could still slowly jog and the only time I would get pain would be sprinting (because the knee bends more).

I went to a physiotherapist who gave me a few quad strengthening exercises, he and the specialist also told me to just sit there and rub the MCL where it was sore to stimulate blood flow. They also both told me to stay in the crouch or squad position where it was sore to ensure it didn't heal to tight. He said when you're in the shower just hold the position and go as deep as you can.

I think overall, it took me about 3-4 months to be comfortable with most activities.

It will get better! if you need to tear something, MCL is the best as it has the most blood flow!
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