Feeling down during recovery?

General words of encouragement can go a long way. Everyone on this site will appreciate help with coping with pain and disability. Non-denominational, please.
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Feeling down during recovery?

Post by carlos12 »


I had ACL reconstruction, right knee, patellar autograft 16 days ago. PT has been going good and I already have >90 degrees flexion and almost full extension. Quad strength is good as well.

Yet, 2 weeks after surgery I'm feeling definitely down. Probably a mix of too little physical activity, little sleep (no pain, but I hate sleeping on my back), too much time spent indoors (this winter in the U.S has been horrible), and a lingering fear/anxiety that I have re-teared my graft after doing any new movement (I did slip and caught myself with my bad leg before falling, although I hope/believe it wasn't strong enough to damage the graft).

Has anyone felt down a couple weeks after surgery? How did you cope?
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Re: Feeling down during recovery?

Post by Alt1102 »

I am in the States also. I slipped and fell back on the 10th of December and ended up with a Tibial Plateau fracture. No surgery, as of now, but in a full leg brace. I completely understand the feeling down, and I constantly worry with every pain, twinge or jerk, that it has gotten worse or collapsed, so I get it. I am sorry you are going through this. I rented a wheel chair so I can get out with family and that has helped some. There is nothing indoors that keeps me busy enough to keep my mind off things, and in fact, I get more distracted when I try. With the recommendation from a friend who had total ACL reconstructive surgery, I have to keep telling myself that there is an end to this. I do wish it was warmer out because I think sun and fresh air is also calming.
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Re: Feeling down during recovery?

Post by Brandon123 »

Being trapped indoors after surgery/injury + worry/pain and not functioning normally totally messes with your mind. Many on the forum witness to the fact that knee surgery/injury is as much a mental challenge as a physical one. I think key is, like Alt1102 says, remember that this situation is only temporary, you will get better, and get your life back.

Meanwhile, try to find some indoor hobbies, like board games, TV series, learning a new language, listening to podcasts, taking an online course, or whatever that makes the time run faster. If you can feel productive and/or enjoy yourself at least somewhat, you will feel better. And lastly, vent here in the forum as much as you need, it also helps!
RK sharp pain while running, diagnosis chondromalacia patellae 6/09
RK arthroscopic chondroplasty 9/09
RK rehab, recovery, 90% normal, started running again -> back to square one 5/15
RK diagnosis patellofemoral arthritis + LK diagnosis chondromalacia patellae 8/15 -> conservative treatment
MICROgeek (<20 posts)
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Re: Feeling down during recovery?

Post by carlos12 »

Thanks! I have been trying to get more productive and it has improved my mood a little bit. Still have some swelling in my knee that is driving me crazy, but other than that I'm doing better.
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Re: Feeling down during recovery?

Post by Brandon123 »

Glad to hear you are doing better! Are you icing regularly for the swelling?
RK sharp pain while running, diagnosis chondromalacia patellae 6/09
RK arthroscopic chondroplasty 9/09
RK rehab, recovery, 90% normal, started running again -> back to square one 5/15
RK diagnosis patellofemoral arthritis + LK diagnosis chondromalacia patellae 8/15 -> conservative treatment
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Re: Feeling down during recovery?

Post by Torao »

For me, I texted/IMed with friends. I watched a lot of Netflix and after a couple of weeks I started working from home. I also kept myself busy with personal projects. I toyed around with some computer stuff, I did puzzles, read books once I was off of the morphine and could think again. I also wrote in a diary, both here and just for myself, both to have a record for later, but so I could see that oh last week I could only do 90 degree of bend, now I can do 100 degrees to see that progress that isn't so apparent if you don't have a hard record

Basically find anything you can do to focus on something that isn't what you can't do.
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