Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Lavage, debridement, synovectomy
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Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by Gilly99 »

Hello everyone - the OS has just told me !same time; same place; but I'm communing your sentence". Hence now it's both knees debridement and lavage instead of one knee PKR or TKR - next week.............will it ever end? Will I ever get spanking new knees that don't hurt?
Cheers - and speak to you soon,
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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by cboden51 »

Can't remember what went before this for you - do remember that I read your posts.

I do know that I have read that the "cleaning" up of knee joints has it's supporters and non-supporters. I know that you are doing your research online and will make an informed decision.

Best of luck to you,

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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by Gilly99 »

I've had this procedure performed before and watched on the monitor - did no good whatsoever - but that was a different OS and this one claims he'll do a thorough job. I've also had numerous meniscal tears excised; an open meniscus repaired; plica removal; and open and closed lateral releases! So I'm a bit cynical about yet more keyhole surgery. It's difficult to argue with consultants even though it's my knees and not theirs. I really long for the day when I can have spanking new knee replacements!
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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by cboden51 »

I hear you. Are you obligated to go through with this procedure in order to check it off (so to speak)? If you have OA and are getting to the point where you are bone on bone , could it be that no amount of clean up will do the job? These surgeries take a toll on our bodies and our psyches.

Let us know.

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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by Gilly99 »

Could well be obligated to go through with this Connie. I'm almost hoping the OS will decide to do knee replacements when he looks inside!
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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by cboden51 »

Then there you go - I'll be anxious to hear what he finds with his look inside.

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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by JosieS »

Have you gotten all the pros/cons of TKR? I get conflicting info on how long those things will last. The most recent OS I talked to told me 10 years and you only get one chance. Pretty much every time they have to replace them more bone is removed and chances of pain is very good. Therefore, they don't like doing TKR on someone my age, 50 y/r, perhaps you mentioned your age and I did not see it. I had OATS in Oct07 on LK, LK only hurt now & then, he originally was only to clean up the knee but got approval from my husband once under to do OATS. The OATS did not work and now I'm having problems where the graph was taken. Going to PT soon and if that does not work shots. Last resort TKR. Did I mention this knee only hurt every now & then if I did too much weight lifting. I'm in pain constantly now too. Oh, had microfracture Jan07 on RK, did not work either.
Arthroscopy RK 01/2007
Chondroplasty & Mircrofrac MDC RK 01/2007
Chondroplasty Medial Facet Pat 1/07
Partial lateral menisectomy RK 01/2007
Resection of MP RK 01/2007
Partial synovectomy RK 01/2007
Arthroscopy LK 10/2007
Partial lateral meniscectomy LK 10/2007
biopsy & OATS-(failed) LK 10/07
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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by Gilly99 »

Back home - had a spinal anaethetic. light sedation, knee pain blocks and Borodin - loved the idea of taking my MP3 player with me though I gathjered it was unusual for patients to actualy do this. I was able to watch most of the time and the Consultant talked to me and showed me what he was doing and invited me to ask questions at any time. There was a gap - though I'm not sure what this was - in my left knee and the edges around this were cleared of cottton wool looking material (will check what exactly he found at my clinic appointment). My right was far worse with something apparently catching at the back of my patella and causing irritation. Severeley inflamed syovium was removed from one knee and meniscal tears removed and bone edges smoothed in both knees with biopsies taken too. I spent most of yesterday in a quiet side room before being transferred to a 6-bed bay at night. I have crutches but only need them to steady myself. The nurses were very happy to let me stay as long as I wanted but much prefer to be at home. Steristrips will be removed next week at the local community hospital and I've a physio appointment at the main (it's a specialist orthopaedic) hospital in a weeks time. Back to the consultant in 6 weeks but before then I see a rheumatologist and have a hip injection under a CT scan.
Well, I'm a-getting hungry and off to make a sandwich now.
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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by cboden51 »

Glad to hear you are home and doing well.
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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by Gilly99 »

Happy Happy Easter everyone. I've just been for my first walk - probably about 1/2 mile down the road and back. I don't use crutches around the house and back garden but going further I need them. Rt knee now mildly objecting to the unaccustomed exercise and left hurt down the medial side on the way back. Left is particularly swollen while right not quite so large. Just re-freezing an ice pack so will apply that. I'm hoping I can take my son to his boccia competition on Saturday - a round drive of 80 miles but not sure whether I'll be comfortable sitting on the low stool I use to face him and support him during game. My husband may have to come to but don't want to let son down - he's the reigning champion and wants to retain his title!
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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by cboden51 »

Happy Easter to you also. Glad to hear you are progressing! Saturday is a week away so you may make it but don't beat yourself up if you don't.

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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by Gilly99 »

Thanks for your posting, Connie.
Just seen my new physio today - relieved she's a lovely 40something lady and not the Adonis of the Physio Department who I had last time I had surgery - he beleived everyone should be super fit and running marathons just like he was.....Anyway, she was very gentle and explained my peration note to me - thopugh I watched and the Consultant told me what he was doing I still was unsure of what he did. Apparewntly had 2 meniscal tears in one leg and one in the other; multiple chondral lesions excised, synovium excised and joint bone surfaces smoothed out. I've now been downgraded to stage 3 OA in right knee (was 4) and upgraded to stage 3 in left knee (was 1 and 2). I've discarded crutches (well, they're in my car in case I need them) and walking better though something feels like it's catching on the right. The swelling is quite bad so will have to get the ice packs out. Have negotiated hydrotherapy and will a session a week for several weeks with my lovely new physio in the pool too. Hope to get confident enough to swim again then I can continue to use the warm hospital pool on my own - there's a charge and you can only buy tickets if the physio refers you but it's well worth it for the feeling of being in a protected pool situation - no kids to bomb you. It's a large modern pool and even has music playing just like a public one would. There's a gentle ramp into the water with handrails all round.
I took my son to a boccia practiuce session today and drove the 50 miles there (husband drove back) - bit sore at times but no real problem from knees (hip hurts to drive but having an injection into it iunder CT scanner n 2 weeks time - scared about that as it will hurt). No problems sitting on low stool with son but standing up/sitting down on it OUCH!! Glad husband was there to ball boy.
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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by cboden51 »

You are doing so well! Even driving and sitting on a low stool, that is great progress. Keep it up!

How cool is it that you have a great PT to help you through this rehab. The knee gods are smiling down on you!

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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by Gilly99 »

This op isn't working - left fine but right hurts - just as it did before with something catching...........I do wish OS had just replaced the joint as per original plan. I've pool therapy on Thursday so hope that helps but it seems like it's back to the pre-op stage.
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Re: Yet another debridment - rejoining this forum

Post by cboden51 »

What a shame you had to play the game and do this intermediate surgery but maybe the pool therapy will help. When do you the OS for your follow-up?

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