Something HAS to be done!!! For these Baker's cysts

Recurrent knee effusion, Baker's cysts
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Something HAS to be done!!! For these Baker's cysts

Post by fuzzyfurball »

I have one on BOTH knees. I don't know what's causing them, other than I had a tear in my lateral meniscus last year. But they are HUGE (like 3 inches in diameter) and they are very tender and it's hurting to squat. I've been trying to avoid the squatting as much as possible. I've iced the back of my legs, and taking Ibuprofen 800 3 x a day for the pain and swelling. I've asked my knee dr. about this a few weeks ago and basically I was ignored except for waiting for the MRI I need to be approved b/c I am having a lot of pain in my left knee. I think tomorrow I am calling him and telling him my spine doc diagnosed me but I want to be seen to see what to do about these b/c this is agony! I think the left one has been leaking down my calf b/c my calf was hurting the last couple of weeks when I would flex my leg up in the air. The right calf now is starting to hurt too. It's like a burning sensation between the muscles. On the right leg, my knee feels like it's being "displaced" b/c of it being so huge!

So what do I do now. Just demand that I see this guy or what???? ??? :'( ::) :P
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Re: Something HAS to be done!!! For these Baker's cysts

Post by ChrisC »

Last time I had one I was told it wasn't worth draining it because it would just come back. I now have another one which has just come up in the past week from nothing to really annoying and slightly sore. I suppose if it's causing you a huge problem you could insist on draining with the proviso that you are aware it might not last.

I think the rule of thumb with these is that they will go away on their own once the underlying injury heals, which is what happened with my first one (caused by tearing meniscus). I pulled a ligament in March which is still troubling me and like I say it's only developed the cyst now so I suppose I have got away lightly this time.

Let us know what you decide to do.

Best wishes
First knee physiotherapy 1981 with intermittent pain following.
Arthroscopy for complex meniscus tear March 2006.
Right TKR 7th July 2007, left TKR 27th September 2007.
Mar 08: R 115 degrees, L 123 degrees.
July 08: R 118 degrees, L 125 degrees.
Aug 08: R 122 degrees, L 125 degrees.
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