Can anyone recommend supplements to aid strengthening knee and quads?

Diet regimes, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, weight issues
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MICROgeek (<20 posts)
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Can anyone recommend supplements to aid strengthening knee and quads?

Post by Froglet »

Hi everyone,

I'm now trying to look at my knee rehab from all angles. Can anyone recommend supplements which might help my knee joint generally and also is there a supplement that helps optimise muscle build after muscle wastage?

Hopefully I'm posting this in the right place as a newbie, as my first post elicited 0 responses!!

Really appreciate any advice.

MICROgeek (<20 posts)
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Re: Can anyone recommend supplements to aid strengthening knee and quads?

Post by jazzyst »

Hello Froglet,

I have been taking a combination of the following:

1. Co-enzyme Q10 300mg a day
2. Collagen both the pills and drinkable supplement
3. High omega 3
4. High doses of Liposomal Vitamin C
5. Pure hemp protein
6. Using bio-oil and traumeel on affected knee (I don't know if they are available where you are). Bio-oil is helping with the skin healing (if you had surgery) and traumeel is a natural ointment for muscle ache, arthritic pain, sports injuries etc...
7. Lots of juicing to make sure I get plenty of magnesium, calcium and iron (if not take the supplements).

You need to check with your health provider what they usually allow or not. Mine had no issue with my regiments.
MICROgeek (<20 posts)
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Re: Can anyone recommend supplements to aid strengthening knee and quads?

Post by Froglet »

Thanks Jazzyst,

Wow, that's a lot of different things, haven't heard of traumeel so will look it up and see if I can buy it somewhere.

Thanks for the info :)
MICROgeek (<20 posts)
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Re: Can anyone recommend supplements to aid strengthening knee and quads?

Post by Froglet »

Thanks Jazzyst,

Wow, that's a lot of different things, haven't heard of traumeel so will look it up and see if I can buy it somewhere.

Thanks for the info :)
MICROgeek (<20 posts)
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Re: Can anyone recommend supplements to aid strengthening knee and quads?

Post by jazzyst »

No problem Froglet,

They are a lot but each thing does its trick in promoting healing. For example: Collagen is great for the tendons and joints, Coenzyme is known to strengthen cells and regeneration of cells, protein for the muscle so it reduces chances of bad muscle wasting and helps promote muscle build up when you start physio, liposomal vitamin C is phenomenal to strengthen the overall immune system and help in healing as well as being a vessel for absorption of other nutrients, omega 3 for brain health/immune system and overall feeling of well-being, other supplements like calcium for bone healing, magnesium to reduce muscle cramps and promote muscle cell health, iron to increase blood health to improve oxygenation of cells to promote healing...

Traumeel is available in some parts of Europe and in South Africa. Easy to purchase from but don't think it is available in USA anymore. To me it was magical from day 1. I massaged my thigh and calve muscle twice a day with it and to the doctor's surprise my bruising was totally gone within a week. It has helped with aches and pains tremendously specially when I get little stings in my knee from the surgical site (I rub on the back and sides of the knee and NOT at the site of surgery).
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