See A-Z of rehabilitation exercises

This exercise involves both active muscle contraction and assisted stretch.



In case you cannot see the video, here is a still sequence -

active assisted flexion and extension

Active assisted flexions involve both an active muscle exercise and an assisted stretch, and its objective is to improve your range of motion

active assisted flexion

Hook the foot of the good leg behind the ankle of the bad leg.

active assisted flexion and extension

Straighten the bad leg and use the good leg to help it up as far as it will go to a count of 5. 

active assisted flexion and extension

Let the bad leg bend back down, supporting it from behind with the good leg.

When it has gone as far back as it comfortably can...

active assisted flexion and extension

...switch the good leg so that it hooks above the bad leg...

active assisted flexion and extension

...and use it to press down into deeper flexion as far as can be reasonably tolerated, and hold it there for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

