Dr Rob PA Janssen

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Janssen, Rob PA
Knee Surgeon
Particular Expertise: 
Multi-ligament reconstruction

Prof. Rob PA Janssen MD PhD is an orthopaedic knee surgeon associated with 16 highly specialized orthopaedic surgeons in the Orthopaedic Associates Eindhoven Greater Area. His private practice is located at the Orthopaedic Center Máxima (OCM) Eindhoven, The Netherlands. He is chair of the Center of Expertise for Complex Knee Injuries, a tertiary referral center for Dutch olympic athletes, Royal Dutch National Football Association and various other sports teams in the Netherlands. He is also chair for the OCM European ESSKA-PAMI Center for Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries and Director of the Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program at Máxima Medical Center Eindhoven/Veldhoven, The Netherlands.

He is Professor Value-Based Health Care at Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Associate Professor Knee Reconstruction at Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. His main research interest is remodelling of ACL grafts after reconstruction. He is a frequent (inter)national speaker on knee injuries and Course Director of the annual international Arthroscopy&Arthroplasty Utrecht Courses, The Netherlands where the latest techniques in knee surgery are presented.

He is Past President of the Dutch Arthroscopy Society and member of various (inter)national scientific committees. For all details and publications, see www.rpajanssen.com

