Early literature about the rationale of cartilage repair.
First published in 2008, and reviewed August 2023 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)
Journal publications
Alford, J. W. and Cole, B. J. (2005) Cartilage restoration, Part 1: Basic science, historical perspective, patient evaluation, and treatment options. Am J Sports Med, 33(2): 295-306.
Alford, J. W. and Cole, B. J. (2005) Cartilage Restoration, Part 2: Techniques, Outcomes, and Future Directions. Am J Sports Med, 33(3): 443-460.
Dunn, W. R., Lyman, S., Lincoln, A. E., Amoroso, P. J., Wickiewicz, T. and Marx, R. G. (2004) The effect of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on the risk of knee reinjury. Am J Sports Med, 32(8): 1906-14.
Brittberg, M., Peterson, L., Sjogren-Jansson, E., Tallheden, T. and Lindahl, A. (2003) Articular cartilage engineering with autologous chondrocyte transplantation. A review of recent developments. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 85-A Suppl 3109-15.
Hambly, K., Bobic, V., Wondrasch, B., Van Assche, D. and Marlovits, S. (2006) Autologous chondrocyte implantation postoperative care and rehabilitation: Science and practice. Am J Sports Med 34(6):1020-1038
Jakobsen, R. B., Engebretsen, L. and Slauterbeck, J. R. (2005) An analysis of the quality of cartilage repair studies. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 87(10): 2232-2239.
Knutsen, G., Engebretsen, L., Ludvigsen, T. C., Drogset, J. O., Grontvedt, T., Solheim, E., Strand, T., Roberts, S., Isaksen, V. and Johansen, O. (2004) Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation Compared with Microfracture in the Knee. A Randomized Trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 86(3): 455-464.
Mithofer, K., Peterson, L., Mandelbaum, B. R. and Minas, T. (2005) Articular cartilage repair in soccer players with autologous chondrocyte transplantation: functional outcome and return to competition. Am J Sports Med, 33(11): 1639-1646.
Peterson, L., Brittberg, M., Kiviranta, I., Akerlund, E. L. and Lindahl, A. (2002) Autologous chondrocyte transplantation. Biomechanics and long-term durability. Am J Sports Med, 30(1): 2-12.
Mandelbaum, B. R., Browne, J. E., Fu, F., Micheli, L., Mosely, J. B., Jr., Erggelet, C., Minas, T. and Peterson, L. (1998) Articular cartilage lesions of the knee. Am J Sports Med, 26(6): 853-61.
Shelbourne, K. D., Jari, S. and Gray, T. (2003) Outcome of Untreated Traumatic Articular Cartilage Defects of the Knee: A Natural History Study. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 85(90002): 8-16.
Steadman, J. R., Briggs, K. K., Rodrigo, J. J., Kocher, M. S., Gill, T. J. and Rodkey, W. G. (2003) Outcomes of microfracture for traumatic chondral defects of the knee: average 11-year follow-up. Arthroscopy, 19(5): 477-84.
Wang, Y., Ding, C., Wluka, A. E., Davis, S., Ebeling, P. R., Jones, G. and Cicuttini, F. M. (2006) Factors affecting progression of knee cartilage defects in normal subjects over 2 years. Rheumatology, 45(1): 79-84.
Wroble, R. R. (2000) Articular Cartilage Injury and Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation: Which Patients Might Benefit? Physican and Sportsmedicine, 28(11).
Additional Information
Web articles
Bobic, V. ISAKOS Current Concepts. The utilisation of osteochondral autografts in the treatment of articular cartilage lesions.
Diduch, D.R. & Cohen, S.B. Joint repair: Treatment options for articular cartilage injury.
Johnson, D. Articular cartilage update
Luscombe, K. & Oliva, F. A Short Basic Sciences Review of Articular Cartilage.
Niall, D.M.& Bobic, V. ISAKOS Current Concepts. Bone Bruising and Bone Marrow Edema Syndromes: Incidental Radiological Findings or Harbingers of Future Joint Degeneration?
Minas, T. Autologous chondrocyte implantation for chondral defects of the knee.
Wroble, R.R. Articular Cartilage Injury and Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation Which Patients Might Benefit?
Ars Arthro - Patient Information
Fidia Advanced Biopolymers
Geistlich Biomaterials - Patient information
Genzyme Biosurgery - Carticel Patient Information
OBI OsteoBiologics - Patient Information
Tigenix - Patient Website
Other Useful Sites
The Cartilage Research Foundation
Webcast of Carticel Articular Cartilage Repair
NB This webcast is not for the faint hearted as it shows video of the actual surgical procedure.
Cartilage Restoration Symposium Videos
NB These videos are not for the faint hearted as they show images of actual surgical procedures.