Quad sets or quads sets are knee rehabilitation exercises to keep the quadriceps (quads) muscles from becoming inhibited after injury or surgery.

Page updated April 2024 by Dr Sheila Strover (Clinical Editor)

quad sets positioning

Positioning for quad sets exercises. Contract the quads and hold the contraction for 10 seconds, if necessary trying to push the knee down onto the bed.

quad sets exercise

Bending the knee slightly with a soft towel or foam will help the exercise.


What are the quads muscles?

quadriceps muscle group

This photograph shows a well-contracted quads muscle.


The word 'quadriceps' means 'four heads' and they comprise the muscles of the 'lap'. Although they come together at the quadriceps tendon at the kneecap, the four parts of the muscles originate separately.

The largest of the four muscles is the rectus femoris.


Quads muscle inhibition

Impaired functioning of the quads muscle group is thought to arise from central nervous system alterations that can occur after knee injury as a protective mechanism to prevent further injury.

There may be no actual injury to the muscle itself - it may just become reflexly inhibited.


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Early knee rehabilitation

Early knee exercises focus on regaining muscle control and then gradually building up range of motion - and lastly strength and control.

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static quads
quads sets

Dr Sheila Strover (Editor)
BSc (Hons), MB BCh, MBA

See biography...

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eBook - Cornerstones of Early Knee Rehabilitation

Easy to read principles with illustrated exercises. Written by Mr Sebastiano Nutarelli (Physiotherapist). Free to download.